Everything You Need to Know Before Co-Signing a Bail Bond

Everything You Need to Know Before Co-Signing a Bail Bond

Everything You Need to Know Before Co-Signing a Bail Bond

Getting bail is a valuable option for arrestees in the United States. While the bail procedures can be complicated, hiring bail bond agents can streamline the process. You can work with bail bond professionals in your area to navigate the requirements. For example, an Orange County Bail Bondsman can provide services in this part of North Carolina. A professional bail bond agent can post the bail on your behalf and facilitate quick release from pre-trial detention. A bail bond agent can prepare the relevant paperwork for posting bail. However, they need a co-signer from among the arrestee’s friends and family to authorize the bond. A co-signer’s role can be critical during the bail bond process. Let’s break down everything you must know before agreeing to co-sign!

Posting a Bail Bond: What Does it Mean?

Barring severe crimes like murder and terrorism, most offenses in the US legal system are bailable. Once a person gets arrested, a Magistrate sets the bail amount for facilitating their release. This amount serves as the guarantee for the defendant’s timely submission to legal procedures. The arrestee or their loved ones can pay this amount to the Court to secure bail. Alternatively, they can contact professional agents providing bail bond services in Orange County or other areas. These agents provide flexible payment options and post surety bonds on behalf of clients. As a result, they are capable of fast-tracking the release process and simplifying the bail procedures.

Who is a Co-Signer for a Bail Bond?

When you contact a bail bond company, they make arrangements to underwrite the arrestee’s bail amount. They accept financial liability if their client skips bail and evades the Court proceedings. However, someone from the arrestee’s friends and family must accept the role of a co-signer or indemnitor. The co-signer shares the contractual risk and guarantees the defendant’s timely appearances before the Court.

What Are the Rights and Responsibilities of a Co-Signer?

A co-signer must ensure the arrestee’s adherence to Court-stipulated rules. They guarantee that the defendant will attend all their trial hearings and meet the bail requirements. If the defendant skips bail, the co-signer is financially liable for this breach. In such situations, the bail bond company will contact the co-signer to help recover the absconding person. Often, the co-signer also submits assets to serve as collateral for posting the surety bond. When the defendant skips bail, the co-signer stands to forfeit this collateral. They also pay compensation to the bail bond company to cover the charges of bond forfeiture if the defendant absconds.

One should become a co-signer if one trusts the defendant enough to be sure that they will not skip bail.

If you need more information and help with bail bonds, contact Case Closed Bail Bonds today! Their team of Durham bail bondsmen and professional bail bonds agents in different parts of North Carolina can help you navigate this process with ease.

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4801 Glenwood Ave #200 Raleigh, North Carolina 27612
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